Build Ontologies with Jaguar™

Jaguar and Jager: Automatic Ontology Generation

Jaguar™ builds an ontology by identifying concepts from a document. You can start with the seed concepts – what is the most important in your domain and comes to mind first. Jaguar scans the document for your seed concepts and finds more concepts related to them. Jaguar then establishes semantic relationships between those concepts.

The resulting ontology is in a standard OWL format and can be browsed and edited in our Jager™ web application.

Your input documents can be reports, audits, web pages, emails, tweets, social media content, user manuals, etc. in various file formats. Jaguar can build domain ontology independently, starting with a handful of seed concepts. If you do not have seed concepts yet, you can let Jaguar loose on your documents and see a big picture of your domain. Then, select the concepts of interest and make them your seed set.

Jager makes it easy to review, browse and edit the output from Jaguar for added precision. In Jager, you can view the source phrases and sentences that were pulled from your documents to extract the semantic relationships.

  • Jager’s abilities include:

    • Hierarchical ontology visualization

      • Concepts mapped to sentences

    • Hierarchical ontology editing

Hopefully you now have a better understanding of Jaguar and Jager. Thanks for watching from LYMBA. Please reach out to us with any questions or for help on your next project.


NLP and Knowledge Management Solutions for Financial Institutions

