Jaguar™: Automatic Ontology Generation


From documents, to data, to ontology 

Turn a time-consuming, manual process into instantaneous knowledge graph creation. Automatically create ontologies from a collection of any unstructured natural language texts with Jaguar.

Quickly model any knowledge domain for efficient data analytics, minimize reliance on expensive subject matter experts (SMEs), and reduce ontology creation times from months to days. 


Jaguar™ builds an ontology by identifying concepts from a document. Given a set of seed concepts, Jaguar scans the document for related concepts and recognizes the types of relationships. The resulting ontology is in a standard OWL format and can be browsed and edited in our web application.

Input documents can include  reports, audits, web pages, emails, tweets, social media content, user manuals, etc. in various file formats. 

To see the big picture of your domain, let Jaguar loose on your documents without a seed set. Then you can select the concepts of interest to make them your seed set.


Review your resulting ontology with ease


Jaguar makes it easy to review, browse and edit the output from Jaguar for added precision. You can view the source phrases and sentences that were pulled from your documents to extract the semantic relationships. 

  • Review automatically generated concept hierarchy

  • See the source of each concept and relations

  • Validate and edit the hierarchy collaboratively


Imagine what you could do with a unique and specialized ontology for your knowledge domain. 


Comparative Semantics and Analytics


Table Understanding